Welcome to Het Nutsbedrijf
Nuts are our thing.
We run a 2 hectare orchard on the edge of Domein De Palingbeek near Ypres.
Besides growing heartnust and hazelnuts, we press nuts into oil and are always trying to make new tasty treats with nuts involved. If you have plenty of nuts, we can press them for you into delicious gold coloured oil.
Heartnut - juglans ailantifolia cordiformis
Officially known as juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformi, the heartnut belongs to the walnut family (juglandaceae).
Also known as Japanese walnut, its flavour is creamy and less bitter than that of the common walnut. The mild walnut flavour makes the heartnut an ideal ingredient for all kinds of sweet and savoury dishes.
Get to know our heartnuts, how to crack them and which vatieties we grow.

Hazelnut - corylus avellana

The majority of hazelnuts available in shops have been grown in Italy or Turkey. While the shrub feels very much at home in the Belgian climate.
Hazalnuts are a popular ingredient in pastry and chocolates bit also in salads, oven dishes and desserts. Hazelnut oil gives a delicate finish to all sorts of sweet and savoury cooking.
Rea about our hazelnuts, our varieties and how we use them in all sorts of tasty treats.
Are you in Belgium and do you have more nuts than you can eat and distribute among your friends?
We can press them into delicious and nutricious oil.
When you bring in a minimum of 3 kilos of shelled nuts, we make them into oil for you. Both walnuts and hazelnuts are welcome. You will always receive oil form your own nuts.
Please drop us a line or get in touch via whatsapp for more info about the possibilities.

All our nuts and nut products are for sale in our webshop.
We hope to open a real life shop on our farm towards the end of 2023.